LBMC的内部审计服务提供独立和客观的保证, 帮助组织加强内部控制环境. 我们带来了系统的, disciplined approach to evaluating and enhancing the effectiveness of risk management, 控制, 以及治理过程.
内部审计服务在评估公司业绩方面是必不可少的, 注重内部控制的力度. 这些服务帮助企业识别和评估风险, 比如操作性的, 金融, 合规风险, while also evaluating the effectiveness of internal 控制s designed to manage those risks. They involve reviewing processes and 系统, aiming to improve 操作 performance.
IT & 网络安全内部审计
在当今充满挑战的环境中,熟练的IT审计人员是无价之宝. LBMC’s IT and cybersecurity internal audit practice offers a variety of services, 包括独立审计, SOX遵从性的集成审计, 云安全审计, 第三方审计. The practice can augment or fully meet an organization’s IT internal audit needs.
- 主动控制: Proactive companies use internal audit functions to help establish and maintain an effective 控制 environment. Internal audit provides significant knowledge and expertise in risk identification and 控制 implementation.
- 持续改进: An internal audit function helps promote continuous process improvement within all significant areas of a company’s operations, 最终保护股东价值.
- 内部资源: 完全由内部资源组成的内部审计部门.
- 混合: 由内部和外部专业人员组成的职能部门.
- 外包: 将职能完全外包给专业服务公司.
Regardless of how it’s created, your company will reap the benefits of an internal audit function.
- 风险管理评价: 我们评估贵组织风险管理流程的有效性, 确保识别潜在威胁, 分析了, 并且管理得当.
- 内部控制评估与测试: 明升体育app下载团队评估内部控制系统,以确保其有效性, 可靠的, 与组织目标保持一致.
- 合规审计: 我们审查适用法律法规的遵守情况, 帮助组织避免法律陷阱并保持诚信.
- 操作审计: 我们评估业务效率和有效性, 确定需要改进的地方并提出可行的解决方案.
- 欺诈调查: 明升体育app下载团队具备进行前瞻性欺诈审计和调查的能力, 帮助保护组织的资产和声誉.
- 管理评审: 我们评估并加强治理结构和流程, 确保它们与最佳实践和组织目标保持一致.
- 内部审计职能审查: We perform “best practices” reviews of your existing internal audit function to identify areas for improvement.
- 促进风险评估: 我们与公司管理层一起促进风险评估过程, 帮助识别和确定关键风险的优先级.
- 过程和系统文件: Our team documents process and/or system flows to better understand and improve internal operations.
- 定制的评论: We target specific processes based on requests from management and the audit committee or based on the results of your risk assessment.
- IT风险和网络安全评估: We assess your organization’s IT risks and build related audit plans to mitigate those risks.
- 扩充资讯科技内审人员: 我们提供经验丰富的IT审核员来增强您的内部审核团队, 提供额外的专业知识和能力.
- 萨班斯-奥克斯利法案的准备和遵守: Our team helps you prepare for and maintain compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley requirements.
- 独立的审计: 我们在网络安全等领域进行重点审计, IT一般控制, 安全配置.
- IT流程审计: 我们审查特定的IT流程, 比如漏洞管理, 威胁管理, 项目实施.
- 供应商审计: We assess your vendors’ IT 控制s and processes to ensure they meet your organization’s standards.
- 流程和内部控制文件: Our team documents IT processes and internal 控制s to enhance oversight and compliance.
- 有针对性的过程和技术审核: We conduct targeted audits based on the results of risk assessments or at the request of management and the audit committee.
在LBMC, we design our 内部审计 服务 to greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your internal 控制s and auditing processes. 明升体育app下载方法是全面的, 涵盖对您的业务运营至关重要的一系列关键领域. We tailor our services to meet the specific challenges and opportunities of your business, ensuring a detailed and effective audit that aligns with your strategic goals.
- 流线型的交流: Ensuring cohesive strategies and interactions across 金融 and cybersecurity disciplines.
- 统一的方法: Applying consistent auditing standards across all internal audit functions to enhance reliability and trust.
- 扩大的见解: Offering a wider perspective on internal 控制s that cover both 金融 integrity and cybersecurity resilience.
- 加速审核时间表: Leveraging additional resources and expertise to streamline the audit process.
- 加强技术专长: Access to specialized knowledge not typically available within internal teams.
- 整体审计价值: A comprehensive understanding of audit benefits, extending beyond mere issue identification.
- 行业领先的实践: 利用最佳实践进行彻底和有效的审计.
- 行业和合规专业化: 在解决独特的行业和监管挑战方面的专业知识.
- 成本效益: 具有竞争力的价格与无与伦比的行业经验相结合.
- 风险与合规管理: Including Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, risk identification, and internal 控制 assessments.
- 访问网络安全专家: 利用LBMC网络安全专业人员的丰富知识.
- 有针对性的专业知识: 以业界领先的见解解决特定的网络安全挑战.
- 综合风险与控制评价: 识别弱点并提供可行的建议.
- 最新的技术实践: 确保审计反映最新的网络安全进展.
- 增强的安全态势: 从最初的风险评估到持续的合规和安全管理.
- 加强风险管理: Internal audits help identify and manage risks before they become critical issues, allowing organizations to proactively address challenges and seize opportunities.
- 改善治理: 通过评估和增强治理过程, 内部审计支持组织的完整性和问责制.
- 运营效率: 内部审计识别效率低下的地方并提出改进建议, 有助于更精简和有效的行动.
- 独立评估: An internal audit function provides independent assessments of key processes, 系统, 和事务. This ensures that the audit committee and board of directors have the information necessary to perform their roles effectively.
- 加强控制环境: An effective internal audit function improves the overall 控制 environment by overseeing 金融, 操作, 以及合规领域. This helps prevent fraud and ensures adherence to directives from management and the board.
- 人才培养: 内部审计师对重要的流程和系统有很多了解, making them great choices for key roles in the company after they leave the internal audit area.
To learn more about our internal audit services and how we can help your organization improve its operations, 今天就明升体育app下载的专家. LBMC is ready to provide the assurance and value your organization needs to thrive.