- 节省1000 +人工时间自动化每年可节省ARH超过1000小时.
- 超过200万美元的拒绝索赔处理两个月内处理的被拒索赔金额超过200万美元.
- 增加税收焦点转移到积压的拒绝,从而提高收入.
在阿巴拉契亚地区保健中心(ARH), a segment of the patient financial services team is dedicated to manually resubmitting denied insurance claims every month. To address this challenge, ARH has embraced automating insurance claim denial resubmissions. 有些否认很复杂, 需要人工输入和推理, 而另一些则很简单, 但可能非常耗时.
例如, CO-250 and -252 are simpler denial reasons that require additional documentation to support the insurance claim submission. ARH has had a long-standing relationship with Tennessee-based advisory and business consulting firm, LBMC, who designed the idea to automate missing documentation denial submissions for a single-payer and enlisted their technology implementation partner, EnterBridge,发展自动化.
Some stats to consider for the manual processing of missing documentation denials:
With a disproportionate amount of time spent processing missing documentation denials, 其他拒绝类型的积压也在增加. 这就留下了数百万美元无人认领的收入, 最终影响患者治疗结果和护理质量的因素是什么.
With limited staff 来处理 these denials and a lack of a hiring budget, the financial team turned to automation to unlock revenue potential and improve medical billing efficiency. 另外, 通过自动化这些任务, ARH can reduce the need for extensive staff training on repetitive processes, 允许团队专注于更复杂和更有价值的任务.
整个过程从头到尾都是全自动的. 一天一次, the automation is kicked off and begins by logging into Meditech and the Communication Director fax portal. 在我公司, 机器人导航到“拒绝管理”列表, 在工作列表中找到每个医疗保健CO-250或CO-252拒绝, and opens the EMR Chart Viewer to access the ‘Provider Notes’ in the relevant patient profile. 确保所有相关文件及时提交, 自动化有助于减少未来的索赔拒绝.
The bot finds all relevant documentation that matches the dates of service listed in the denial and based on a list of provided criteria, 决定是否应包括在传真给付款人. 如果确定,应该包括在内, the bot is programmed to download the document using the organization’s fax printer to send it through the fax portal. Once all relevant documentation has been added, the fax packet is automatically sent to the payer. The bot then adds a standard note to the Meditech patient account and closes the denial.
在计算自动化项目的投资回报时, 有多个组件需要考虑. 对于ARH, automating the CO-250 and -252 denial resubmission process offers significant advantages such as labor savings and increased revenue collection. 另外, this project plays a crucial role in improving revenue cycle efficiency.
同样重要的是, the project provides benefits that are harder to quantify – including enhanced employee satisfaction, 开启数字化转型之旅, 让员工有更多时间创新和制定战略. This comprehensive approach not only improves operational efficiency but also fosters a more motivated and forward-thinking workforce.
ARH’s success in automating missing documentation denial submissions showcases the transformative potential of technology in healthcare finance. 通过与LBMC和EnterBridge合作, ARH not only saved labor hours and increased revenue but also paved the way for a more motivated and forward-thinking workforce.
您是否有一个想要自动化的流程? 接触 to our team today to scope out the process with one of our expert developers.
为进一步的咨询和业务咨询专业知识, 请务必与我们联系,以促进您的成长.
提供的内容 莱恩杰克逊 和EnterBridge.